Current Fundings
Han-woo-mul Grant (개인기초연구, 신진연구/한우물파기)
Title: Mechanical conversion of the chemical signaling to modulate hyperactivated motility in mammalian sperm
Role: Principal investigator
Funding source: National Research Foundation (NRF), Korean Government - MIST
Funding period: 2024.05 - 2034.04, 10 years
Funding amount: 187,877,000 won/year, 1,878,770,000 won/total
New Faculty Infra Support Grant (개인기초연구, 신진연구자 인프라 지원 사업)
Title: Establishment of the super-resolution microscopy imaging system to understand spatiotemporal dynamics of the mammalian sperm proteins
Role: Principal investigator
Funding source: National Research Facilities and Equipment Center (NFEC), Korean Government
Funding period: 2024.05 - 2025.04
Funding amount: 420,000,000 won
Bio Medical Technology Development Grant (바이오 의료기술 개발사업)
Title: Proteopathy 억제를 통한 퇴행성 신경질환 치료 신규 화합물 개발
Role: Attendee
Funding source: National Research Foundation (NRF), Korean Government - MIST
Funding period: 2024.04 - 2026.12
Funding amount: 2,063,000,000 won/total
New Faculty Grant (개인기초연구, 신진연구/우수신진)
Title: Capacitation-mediated molecular changes of flagellar membrane proteins to regulate sperm motility
Role: Principal investigator
Funding source: National Research Foundation (NRF), Korean Government - MIST
Funding period: 2023.03 - 2028.02
Funding amount: 143,569,000 won/year, 703,489,000 won/total
Title: BK21Plus 장수 해양 바이오 사업단
Previous Fundings
New Faculty Grant - Innovative lab supporting grant (개인기초연구, 최초혁신실험실 추가지원)
Title: Capacitation-mediated molecular changes of flagellar membrane proteins to regulate sperm motility
Role: Principal investigator
Funding source: National Research Facilities and Equipment Center (NFEC), Korean Government
Funding period: 2023.07 - 2024.02
Funding amount: 69,900,000 won/total
PNU Start up
Title: Capacitation-mediated molecular changes in mammalian sperm
Role: Principal investigator
Funding source: Pusan National University
Funding period: 2023.04 - 2024.03
Funding amount: 15,000,000 won/total