[2024.05.24] Jae win the Han-woo-Mul grant from NRF and will get support for 10 yrs!
Jae win the Han-Woo-Mul grant to support a total 1.87 billion won for 10 years from NRF this year!
This is the first time to get the fund in PNU!!
Many congratulations with press announces!
Press links
PNU Focus; https://www.pusan.ac.kr/kor/CMS/Board/Board.do?mCode=MN109&mode=view&board_seq=1496452
국제신문: https://www.kookje.co.kr/news2011/asp/newsbody.asp?code=0300&key=20240528.99099008164
부산일보: https://www.busan.com/view/busan/view.php?code=2024052810092471485
울산매일: https://www.iusm.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=1040599